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Who Is A Gifted Child?: The Unique Mind

A gifted child is a solution provider

Who is a gifted child?

A gifted child is a child who has abilities that go far beyond normal human perception. These aptitudes could pertain to intelligence and a high sense of creativity. Every child is born with an inborn tendency. A gifted child possesses a unique talent or ability. This could be anything from having exceptional skills to having the talent to become a genius in another field.

Normally, anyone who receives a gift will be eager to know the contents of the well-packaged or wrapped gift box. Parents need to be more careful these days when helping their kids figure out what their gifts are. Parents are ineffective in providing the support needed to fine-tune and hone their children’s talents. This could lead to either no revelation of their existence or the killing of the gifted child.

Although there isn’t a single description for a gifted child, gifted kids generally show outstanding talent, skill, or ability early in life.

A gifted child and education

Education is a basic foundation for a gifted child

How important is education to a gifted child?

Education is critical in every child’s life, but other factors also contribute to success. Basic education is important to a child because it is the foundation of their future. A good education provides children with the opportunity to learn and grow.

It helps children develop their talents and abilities early enough. This education also helps children become responsible members of society. Quality education helps children learn to think critically and solve problems. Quality educational training is good but should be used as something other than a yardstick for measuring success in life.

This is because history has shown us some school dropouts who later become successful and some dull brainy kids who later made some inventions in their lifetime.

School dropouts that became successful in life

Thomas Edison’s teachers once told him that he was too foolish to learn anything when he was a little lad. He stopped hearing well enough to continue his education. But his mother never stopped believing in him. His mother started giving him lessons at home.

Before his death, Thomas Edison created a lot of inventions. Everyone considers his deafness a handicap, yet that was the source of his strength. He said he liked being partially deaf because it lets him focus on his research and ideas without being distracted.

Thomas Edison’s inventions added to the light bulb, phonograph, and motion picture. Despite having dropped out of school, Steve Jobs was a co-founder of Apple. The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, was a school dropout. Bill Gates also failed school. Jack Dorsey co-founded Twitter and Square, even though he dropped out of school twice.

The gravity equations that Sir Isaac Newton developed are his most famous works. Walt Disney founded the theme parks Disneyland, Walt Disney World, and the animated character Mickey Mouse. Even though they come in all different forms and sizes, gifted children tend to have a few traits.

High levels of intelligence, inventiveness, and aptitude across various domains are examples of this.

Advice for families whose kids manifested their gifts early.

Help them identify the area of their giftings

Parents should help discover their children’s gifting

It might be challenging to know how to effectively help a brilliant child. Children who manifest their gifts early need special help and career support. Here are some pointers for parents of gifted children:

Parents should promote the interests of their children and pay attention to their activities in school. They should expose your child to new concepts and fields. When your child is not purposefully centered, it is because he has not found passion in what he is doing.

A child who has never had the opportunity to explore gymnastics but who has a true passion for it will never be able to find true success in other areas. Pay attention. Your child’s hobbies should take priority.

Encourage your child to explore their hobbies. Every child has an area of interest. Encourage your youngster to pursue their passions and discover their means of expression.

Assist your youngster in establishing a support system. There are frequently other families in your neighborhood dealing with similar issues.

Motivation Isn’t Always About Academic Achievement
We frequently use motivation for academic accomplishment. But inspiration has a force that makes children attain goals unrelated to academics. Ensure that you inspire your child in their area of interest.

What privileges does a gifted child have?

Both intellectually and socially, gifted children benefit greatly. A child’s gift could expose him to the world, thereby making him a global figure.

A child’s gift could connect other talents necessary for actualizing his gift. Most gifted children learn more quickly than others, increasing their likelihood of excelling.

They also tend to be interested in more things, which can help them do well in their hobbies.

How can parents best support a gifted child?

The greatest way for parents to assist a gifted child is to be aware of the gifts the child possesses

And to give them opportunities to use those gifts.

Additionally, parents should encourage their children to pursue their hobbies and aid them in honing their talents in those fields.

Is a gifted child a prodigy?

Children enrolled in talent training communities

A gifted child could be a genius when he works hard on his gift, but he can be useless if he mutes it. There are lots of kids who don’t manifest their gifts until the teenage and adult stages.

The fact that a child manifests his gift early is not a guarantee that the child will be successful in life, especially when he doesn’t receive support from his parents.
Most gifted kids aren’t even the top students in their classes.

Creativity, intelligence, agility, and spatial awareness are some of the traits that gifted children frequently possess. Contrary to popular belief, most brilliant children do not have a special talent from birth.

Also, read this article here: The creative child

Through diligence and hard work, they developed some skills and talents. Even though they may have started with some advantages, like a high IQ, they must work hard to hone their skills. A gifted child is not a future prodigy.

Some possess the ability to learn and develop faster in ways others cannot, not because of their gifts but because they are talented. However, talented children have special difficulties and challenges.

Some discover their gifting in their teenage stage.
Some kids manifest their gifts in the teenage or adult stage.

No matter what, you shouldn’t ignore your child’s natural talent because it can help them in many areas of life, such as school, work, and social interactions.

The fact that a gifted youngster is unique among other people does not make them “proficient.” Being gifted doesn’t guarantee superiority over the other kids. This is because a gifted child is only sometimes smarter than other people.

Most gifts manifest when the bearer diligently searches for them. A gifted child must put in a lot of effort to develop a balanced orientation.

This is so they can focus and concentrate on learning new skills to achieve the same level of success if their natural abilities tend to steer them in a certain direction.

This can be difficult, but it will be worth it at last. A gifted child may not be able to realize his full potential if he does not put in the effort.

How to Identify a talented Child?

A talented child with high skill in innovation

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A child can be talented in an area but not gifted in that same area. Below are some features that show your child is talented

  • Excellent retentive memory
  • Long attention span
  • Fluency in speech
  • High reasoning ability
  • Excellent solution provider
  • Fast Learner
  • Creative imagination skill
  • Good interpersonal Relationship
  • Excellent comedian skill
  • Perfectionist
  • easily motivated
  • Innovative
  • Enjoy intellectual activity
  • Broad vocabulary
  •  Excellent reading skill
  • Read rapidly and widely
  • Extremely inquisitive

A gifted child could also have a disability

Disability can not stop a gifted child.

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Every child, disabled or not, is born with unique features embedded in him. A child’s deformity could be a result of medical complications during birth. The deformity has nothing to do with the child’s destiny. What a disabled child need is an unconditional support and encouragement from his parents. If the child’s self-esteem is preserved, he can climb any mountain confidently.


In conclusion, recognizing gifted children and their demands raises educational philosophy, methodology, and evaluation concerns. Some gifted children are very good at what they love doing. Still, they are far behind in other areas, such as intellectual, emotional, or social skills. For such individuals to reach maturity, successful gifted education necessitates greater attention to balancing the different areas of development.

A child can be smart, creative, physically talented, or socially gifted in any area of knowledge. However, while talent in music, sports, or athletics is valued, actively sought after, and fostered in many cultures, high intellectual ability is frequently undervalued. This can impact how gifted children perceive and value their abilities.

Intellectually gifted students are typically emotionally and intellectually advanced for their age. But it is very important to ensure that a child being considered for acceleration is ready academically, socially, and emotionally to work with older students on a more difficult curriculum.

Assessments above level should ensure that the student has learned all or most of the material for the grade they will “skip.” It is critical the students themselves are eager to accelerate and the teachers with whom they will collaborate have a positive attitude toward the process, allowing them to be accepted as full members of the class they are entering

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