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The Benefits Of A Gifted Child: Powerful Highlights

The benefits of a gifted child:

There is a uniqueness in every child. In this article, we are going to learn the benefits of a gifted and talented child to his or her parents and to society in general

It is the duty of every parent to discover the potential in every one of their children. The ability to find out this characteristic will enable them to know how best to nurture the children.

Some children manifest their gifting at an older age but as a parent, if you pay close attention to those children, you will see the traces of their gifting at the tender age

The benefits of a gifted

The benefits of a gifted child.

What are the benefits of a gifted child?

Numerous benefits await a gifted child. Below are some of these benefits


The child possesses an inbuilt ability that makes him unique. Every child is born with special features. Their unique ability make them stand out among their counterparts.

You don’t expect all the children of the same parent to behave the same because they have individual inborn attributes. Esau and Jacob were twins; both had their individual features.

Esau’s passion was in the area of hunting while Jacob’s passion was in the area of keeping the flocks. Esau was an easygoing person, if not careless, but Jacob was a cunning man right from the womb.

Achieve more success

A gifted child tends to be more successful in his field of giftedness. We have seen school dropouts who were very successful in life.

Some people cannot read and write effectively yet can dismantle equations.

When I was a banker. There were customers who could not fill out the payment slip for withdrawals yet they have millions in their accounts.

Education is good, but it is not a means to an end. Children nurtured in the area of their passion achieve greatness in the field of their interest.

The benefits of a gifted

Greater opportunities

Gifted children are more exposed to greater opportunities. The Bible even says that a man’s gift makes way for him (proverb 18:16).

Another benefit is that it exposes them to several kinds of influencers, thereby exposing them to many avenues for becoming productive

King Solomon was a very wise man, The Bible says that kings were coming from far and near bringing him gifts just to come and learned wisdom from him.

Solomon was passionate about wisdom the bible says that he used to seat at his father’s feet to learn wisdom and that was why he asked for wisdom when God gave him an open cheque to ask for anything he want.

Strong natural passion

Another benefit is that they are been driven by a stronger passion in the choice pursuit of their passion

A child can dedicate lots of time to learning a particular skill without asking for food just because he is doing what makes him happy.

Passion drove David to confront Goliath in the book of 1 king 17.

David’s gift was to be a deliverer to God’s people, but he was first a passionate Shephard boy who learned all the skills and metrics to keep his father’s sheep.

Passion made him believe he can deliver the People of Israel from the hand of the Philistines.

High initiative

No matter how dull a child’s academic abilities are, they are always very creative in their area of passion.

Creativity was what prompted David to use a stone and a string on a great soldier everyone is afraid to confront.

He may not have had the high intelligence to perform well in his academic pursuit but he had excellency in generating ideas in the area of his gifting.

Learning potential

Every child who pursues his gifting has a greater potential for learning,

A child may not achieve academic excellence, but he is waxing great doing the things he is passionate about.

The boy, David, was given a war kit to wear, but he doesn’t have the required skills of a soldier. He has never used them before.

The same person who could not excel with the soldier’s kit could pull down the giant. Why? Because he has learned and mastered the skill while shepherding the flock.

Quality relationships

The benefits of a gifted

People will always gather around them, and when your child is exposed to high-quality relationships, it is because he is gifted.

Most of the time, these relationships enable him to pursue his interests and dreams. I know a child who has a natural understanding of time and seasons. The gift exposed her to all kinds of people who came to her to make inquiries.

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Gifted children enjoy a lot of privileges that are not available to their counterparts. They are open to opportunities for success. People seek to associate with them, although they are not good at managing relationships. They succeed more in the area of their interest and, consequently, become more productive in life.

Therefore, nurture your children with respect to their individualities and the parenting styles that best suit them if you want to harness the best in that child.

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2 thoughts on “The Benefits Of A Gifted Child: Powerful Highlights”

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