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Parenting A Gifted Child: A Unique And Easy Way

The best parenting approach

Parenting a gifted child in a unique and easy way can be cumbersome because it requires close attention, energy, time, and money. Parenting styles differ among families, tribes, countries, and geopolitical zones. A gifted child and a talented child need different parental approaches,

Culture and tradition are major determining factors in the parenting styles of some countries. Culture is the way people do their things, live their lives, and react to issues of life.

It becomes worse when such a country is been driven by racial and ethnic consciousness. In this article we are going to discuss the following:

What does parenting a gifted or a talented child mean

The different types of parenting styles applicable in today’s world

The ways you can support a gifted child to get a better result in life.

And also the best approach to parenting a gifted child.

At the end of this article, you would have understood how convenient it is to parent a gifted child in a unique and easy way because it is more difficult to parent a gifted child than other children. It is not all parenting styles that work for these gifted kids. Therefore, it is easier to change your parenting approach now than to seek to amend an already grown-up tomorrow.



Gifted children find it hard to follow strict rules – They usually have strong creative ideas coming to them or strong feelings that accompany the ideas.

Managing these feelings is a major constraint for them because breaking the rules might just be the only way out. Most parents expect total compliance with family rules from their children.

Parenting a gifted child in a unique and easy way also involves monitoring the kind of friends your child is putting up with because he can be influenced into abandoning his passion to live a mediocre way of life.

There are different types of parenting approaches and the individuality of a child should be taken into consideration when introducing any of these approaches otherwise, you will not get the maximum expected result or cooperation from your kids as they keep growing.

Parenting a gifted child

The different types of parenting styles

Authoritarian Parenting

In authoritarian parenting, there is no flexibility in observing the rules. Parents make rules, stamp on them and demand absolute compliance. of this style tend to have a one-way mode of communication where the parent establishes strict rules that the child obeys.

Here the opinion of the child does not matter to their parents. and rules defaulters are severely punished even when the rules are not clearly defined. Children from authoritative parenting homes are usually the most behaved in any children’s gathering.

Authoritative Parenting

In authoritative parenting, the parents try their best to establish a cordial relationship between themselves and their children. Here the rules are set but the reasons for the rules are clearly defined for a better understanding

In trying to enforce these rules the parents don’t fail to take into consideration, the opinion, suggestions, and the interest of their children.

Authoritative parenting has a positive effect on children because they grow up to become independent, responsible, and successful adults who can self-manage their feelings and self esteems.

Permissive Parenting

Permissive parenting allows children to remain children. They believe when the children grow up they will understand better.

Here, parents make rules but they don’t demand strict compliance because they allow the children to determine what to do by themselves.

The relationship between the parent and the children is more like a friendly relationship than a parental relationship. In permissive parenting, the children are more open to their parents, they can play with them, chat with them, and minimally receive disciplinary action from their parents

Because the children are allowed to figure out their actions, it has negative consequences on them as it will affect their social skill life, character, eating habits, and hygiene

Uninvolved Parenting

Uninvolved Parenting allows so much freedom for their children. They care less about their children’s whereabouts, their academic performances, or enquire about their social life.

Here, parents provide the basic needs of their children but choose to stay out of their way. Communication is very minimal and there are no clear disciplinary measures. Their parents have little or no knowledge and training about child development.

Children raised through uninvolved parenting are wild, they lack high self-esteem and they always have issues maintaining social relationships.

The best approach to parenting a gifted child

PARENTING A GIFTED CHILD: A Unique And Easy Way. The best parenting approach
The best approach to parenting a gifted child

Parental approaches to parenting a gifted child vary across cultures. Gifted and talented children generally like doing things their own way which can be mistaken for rudeness, naughtiness, or disrespect.

There are special approaches to raising or parenting a gifted or talented child but the best approach should be to identify their gifts or passion. Discovering who your child really is.

Nurture each and every one of them with the approach that will best help to develop their inborn personalities with the required skills, especially in the area of their passion and interest.

Supporting them in the areas they quest and clamor for self-development is very vital in parenting a gifted child.

Help your child develop emotional intelligence that best suits his locality. Don’t leave him stranded on the road to his destiny otherwise, the child will ignorantly follow the wrong route.

Supporting and parenting a gifted child

In any area of life where things flow super easy for your child, find his gifting or talent in it. Gifted children flow super easily in generating creative energy and ideas, especially in the area of their interest.

Notwithstanding lots of energy would be generated easily by them, they still need support and training to feature effectively in the areas of their inborn personalities and capacities.

PARENTING A GIFTED CHILD: A Unique And Easy Way and Ways of supporting a gifted child

There are many ways of supporting gifted and talented children. For example,

  1. Enrolling them in communities that are into enrichment programs
  2. Identifying with talent experts where they will gain more inspiration.
  3. Activities that will expose them to friends with like minds
  4. Buying courses that will help them improve their gifts and talents
  5. Competitions and its likes for motivation

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Parenting a gifted child in our world today requires due diligence and an intentional approach because it is more difficult to nurture a gifted or talented child.

It becomes worse when two or more of your kids display their giftings at a very early stage. Gifted children always intend to break parental and domestic rules because they want to implement their own ideas and thoughts.

Understanding your child’s area of passion early enough will help you to know the best channel to follow while nurturing them.

All your children will not require the same approach. Allow your children to retain their individuality and nurture them on that basis too.

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