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Home » Killing The Gifted Child: Early prevention is better

Killing The Gifted Child: Early prevention is better

 killing the gifted child

Killing a gifted child is very common in today’s world. That is why it appeared as if our world was no longer productive with new inventions. Every child is born with a gift that makes him unique and original.

And every one of these gifts comes from God. I Corinthians 12:7. Every child’s inborn capacity makes him different from every other child. That is why children born of the same parents are brought up similarly yet behave differently.

Every child should be nurtured to become a champion in the area of their inbuilt capacity so that the child would use such gifts for personal, human, and societal development when he grew up.

This article will look at killing the gifted child, ways to avoid killing the gifted child, and ways parents are killing the gifted child.

Killing The Gifted Child.

Who is a gifted child? Every child’s gift is hidden inside him and can only be discovered when searched for. Whatever it is that normally draws away the attention of your child should be your primary focus

What is it that attracts his interest whenever he comes across it? Don’t kill that attraction. What does your child pay undivided attention to? Removing his attention can kill the gifted child.

Consider what it is that can keep him busy without asking for food, no matter how hungry he is. Parents must carefully search for their children’s gifts and nurture them accordingly. Otherwise, they will kill the gifted child.

Also, please pay attention to what makes a child save every little bit of money that comes his way because he wants to buy some tools or stuff.

killing the gifted child

Every parent should make it a duty to find the destiny of their children in what they find joy in doing. Our kids have a lot of natural gifts that aren’t being used because their parents didn’t help them find them.

Even if their parents knew what their kids were good at, they didn’t push them to train and learn about the benefits. Most of these children require just a little push to become productive in the area of their gifting.

Read this article: who is a gifted child.

Normally, when you want to give someone a gift, you package it. A gift is packaged before being given to the beneficiary. Similarly, God wrapped each child’s gift and hid it well within them. There is a hidden gift in every child. Please find it in him. Please don’t kill the gifted child because you don’t like the area of his focus.

A child’s gift will determine the kind of nurture, education, and social activities that will be best for him. When a gift is refined, it becomes a blessing for everyone, but when a skill isn’t used, it becomes useless.

Killing the gifted child

How to avoid killing a gifted child?

The most fulfilled and happiest adults today function based on what they love doing. Sadly, some parents pay little or no attention to their children’s areas of interest. They abandon them to the care of their teachers.

Killing the gifted child is common today, and most parents do it ignorantly. There are limits to how far a teacher can go in a child’s social and moral development. But nurturing a child is the sole responsibility of the parent.

Are you consciously or unconsciously killing your gifted child?

What are you doing to support the call of destiny in that child? Like registering him to join talent training groups, music education clubs, and communities or getting a private tutor?

Your children are your legacy. They are the uprising or the downfall of your expectations when well nurtured or when roughly and carelessly handled,

How well, how often, and how productively you helped them develop an interest will determine how bright their future is.

Killing  a gifted child

Have you killed the originality of your child?

As a parent, if you fail to get things right with your child from the onset, chances are the child may not be productive in life. Now is the best time to prepare them for the future.

Please find your child’s identity, and help him understand and discover who he truly is. Please don’t make your child feel helpless and lonely in pursuing their passion.

Some parents discipline a child for selfish reasons. Forcing the child to be a counterfeit of himself. Killing the gifted child forces the child to become what he is not.

If your child is already a victim, you can make a U-turn today because it’s easier to heal a sick destiny than to revive a dead one.


While nurturing children, their individualities, values, passion, and opinions should be respected. For example, if he has a passion for cooking, buy him a children’s cooking kit to help him develop the passion.

If he is the type that reads a lot, provide him with educational books or sign him up for online reading. The same parenting style may only work for some of your children. Don’t set unrealistic standards and expectations for your child.

Please don’t punish the gifted child for making mistakes, but encourage him to learn from his mistakes. And finally, don’t fail to compliment him on their performance. Stop killing a gifted child.

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