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Guide On How To Identify A Gifted Child: Experts.

Talking to your child about giftedness

A guide on how to identify a gifted child is an article that will help provide parents with the features of giftedness to look out for in their children and suggest ways to encourage their growth and development.

Every child is gifted and talented in one area of life or the other. Most parents are not living in the consciousness of helping their children identify the area of their giftedness.

This is a guide that will help you, as a parent, discover and identify the gift your child has.

Once these gifts and talents are not discovered, there is a high probability that the child will walk down the wrong career path. Every gifted child needs help and support from their parents to be on the right career path.

Start early to show him how to do somethings

Guide On How To Identify A Gifted Child: Experts

Define giftedness

The definition of giftedness must include these three characteristics.

b. Creative thinking

c. Extraordinary abilities

d. Passion and commitment

e. High level of initiative

How To Identify A Gifted Child

How to identify a gifted child

Review the following list of traits to help you identify a gifted child when you encounter one.

They have specific gifts or talents, but not all of them manifest theirs at an early stage.

Gifted children are often very smart

Some of them are very intelligent.

They may have exceptionally high IQs.

Positive imaginations towards their giftings

They are usually very creative although not in all areas.

 Gifted children possess one or more natural talents.

 Gifted children possess a lot of natural energy

They observe a lot with good focus and concentration.

Most gifted children used to possess natural leadership skills.

Gifted children develop confidence in themselves.

They are risks takers

Gifted children love trying out new things.

They learn very fast in the area of their natural ability.

Gifted kids are often very enthusiastic.

They make friends easily but don’t maintain long relationships with people of different minds.

Gifted children often have a strong sense of imagination

They observe keenly and always come up with arguments and questions

They possess high creative thinking ability

How to Discover Your Child Giftedness:

how to identify a gifted child

There are things you must have to do to guide you on how to identify a gifted child. or talent your children were built of.

Awake the consciousness of giftedness in them. When this consciousness is lived in them, it will make them look deeply into their lives in search of their gifts.

You can as well ask them questions like:

Is there anything that interests them?

What feelings of ability do they have?.

Is there an incredibly ordinary thing they can do?

What do they think they can do?

Do they have passion? If yes, find out what he cherished doing

What does he think parents can do to help develop their passion?

Talking about your child’s gifts and talents

Talking to your child about giftedness

Talking about your child’s gifts and talents is the best way to create consciousness in them. When a child is conscious of the area of his giftedness, it will motivate that child to keep the spirit alive and awake.

This guide on how to identify a gifted child will assist you in paying detailed attention to all of your kids to discover the area of their individual gifting. Also, teach and help them understand that all children are gifted but in diverse ways and diverse areas.

Let them understand that a child who is not academically intelligent could be emotionally or socially intelligent. There are things your child can do that another child might not be able to do. As a consequence, there are things others can do that your child cannot.

The dullest, brainiest child among his peers could be excellent in sports. Gifts and talents, most of the time, are not built on academic excellence but on creativity and initiative.

Pay attention to a child who asks lots of questions. There is something in him that is yearning to know more, and such a child is always open to knowledge.

Help your child to understand that all children have their own individual strengths. This will calm your child down from feeling superior over other kids and will also make the child begin to respect other children’s individuality. It can help your child to know that everyone is not the same.

Teach the child to value other kids regardless of their individuality. Being aware of these facts can help a child lend a helping hand to other children struggling in the area where he excels.

What are the ways to boost a child’s giftedness?

Below are suggested ways to encourage a child’s growth and development in their giftedness; when this is done, it will be easier to know how to identify a gifted child.

1. Academic pursuits

Education is the fundamental requirement for mental development and successful achievement. Establishing a learning zeal is the key to fostering growth and development toward the child’s giftedness.

Motivational strategies should be applied to help them develop more zeal toward exploring their areas of interest and passion. Encourage and support them to set goals for themselves in their academic pursuits. Every child needs basic education, regardless of the nature and area of their giftedness.

2. Social interaction

Most gifted children do have relationship issues with their peers. Some of them, if not all, are not emotionally strong. They prefer to stay alone rather than be in a relationship with people who are not like-minded.

Encourage your child to develop workable and enjoyable relationships with peers and families. Enroll him in communities that will give him the opportunity for social interaction. Every child is good at something. A child that excels in academics might not be a good ideologist, while a child that is viewed as worthless academically could be a good administrator.

3. Creative expression.

Creative expression is one of the features of a gifted child. Motivate your child to begin to explore his creative abilities. Enroll him in programs and activities that will help develop his passion for creative activities like art, writing, music, and others.

Give them free hand to test run any techniques or medium they so desire to apply. Don’t condemn them when they make mistakes or encounter failure.  And don’t fail to celebrate their wins.

4. Excellent communication skills

 Teach your child how to develop excellent communication skills. Choose your words wisely whenever you are interacting with him or anyone around him. Remember, they are good observers.

Teach them how to constructively express their feelings by developing healthy communication habits. Don’t hesitate to call him to order when he talks rudely to people around him.

5 Intellectual capacities

 Develop your child’s intellectual abilities by providing him with hard tasks and difficult equations to see how he can dismantle them. Difficult tasks help them exercise their creative thinking ability. Encourage them to work on different subjects and disciplines.

Also, challenge them by asking difficult questions and offer encouraging rewards when they provide the correct answer. Encourage them to develop their intellectual capacities by forming the habit of reading. Lots of reading makes children wiser and more knowledgeable than their peers

6. Emotional well-being

Gifted children often have emotional challenges, and that’s how to identify a gifted child sometimes. That is why they don’t last long with friends. Help your child develop emotional well-being by teaching him how to be patient with his friends, how to tolerate them, how to calm his nerves when he is upset, how to manage his anxiety, and how to politely communicate his feelings and opinions without getting bullied.

Please read the needs of a gifted child here


Every child needs the assistance of their parents in life growth and development, This article has provided parents with a guide on how to identify the gifted child,

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